Motorola promises 5G service to users with its latest phone model

Motorola created the first handheld mobile phone for commercial use in 1983. But since then, the manufacturer has fallen back to the side-lines as giants like Apple, Samsung, and Nokia take the majority of sales. Most consumers recognise these brands as the leaders.

Despite Motorola trying to gain customers in recent years, using campaigns such as clam phones, flip phones, and bag phones, it has continued to lose market share. However, the company says its latest attempts to win back its space could be a success.

The manufacturer is introducing a new model, Moto Razr. This is based on the original Razr, which was released over 15 years ago; but it is an Android-based smartphone built to compete with the leading models from its biggest rival, Samsung.

More importantly, the biggest selling point of this model is that Motorola hopes to create a phone that supports 5G, giving consumers the fastest internet service there is. Reports say that when the device is launched in 2020, it will be a “premium smartphone” with 5G capabilities. It’s still unclear what the exact coverage will be, but it’s believed that consumers will be able to get the fastest internet service there is.

Mike Lowe at PocketLint said, after reviewing the product, “The reimagination of the Razr some 15 years after the original isn’t just a play on nostalgia, it’s a fully formed flip phone with a whole host of fun and functional features. Sure, the processor isn’t the best going, the cameras aren’t a particularly prominent feature, and the battery life might well be questionable (we can’t say for certain just yet).”

It seems as though previous frustrations with Motorola phones might have been addressed. For example, many users expressed annoyance with the number of updates. But, if the reviews that the new phone has addressed the “build quality in a proper and convincing way” is true, then this could prove to be a hit in the future.

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